Behind the Megaphone: Meet Jen & Jamie!

Jen and Jamie are the powerhouse duo who brought CAMP to South Tampa, subsequently improving all of our lives in a matter of months. Even if you're new to our studio, you've likely met them already- they essentially live at CAMP, ensuring that everything is running smoothly and that everyone is happy with their experience. On top of running the business side of things, they also teach Cycle and Yoga, respectively, which demands a massive amount of time and preparation. Jen's Cycle classes bring more energy and fire than you've likely ever experienced, and it's safe to say that if you haven't attended Hip Hop Flow with Jamie on Monday or Wednesday nights, you haven't lived at all. 


Most CAMPers have probably wondered how Jen and Jamie thought up this crazy idea, how they get up every day before the crack of dawn, and how they get their bodies so on point (#goals). Read on for the answers to all these questions and so much more!

How did CAMP become what it is today?

Jamie: Yoga was such a massive part of my life, and I always dreamt of opening my own studio. Jen and I have both lived in so many places, and we really thought out what we would need if we were to build our perfect place here in Tampa. Cycle, Yoga, Circuit, and Childcare. So we developed the idea, built it and have never looked back! 

Jen: CAMP was Jamie’s brain child.  I think she originally wanted to open a yoga studio, but when she found the Features property, it sparked a much larger project and the concept of three different studios. I’d been staying home with my two boys for 5 years and they had both just started school, so I was itching to get back to work. I dreamed of opening a rhythm-based cycling studio in Tampa... so when I heard what the Lanzas were up to, I set up a meeting with Jamie to get involved.  We almost immediately hit the ground running. I mean, literally….we haven’t really slowed down yet.  It was quickly apparent that I was the operations person and Jamie, the creative genius. Together, with our love for summer camp and our love for fitness, we created what CAMP is today.   

Did you go to camp when you were little? 

Jamie: Yes, my parents always put us in different sports camps. Racquetball and cheer camp were the main two. I also worked with Camp Kiwanis later on, which helped kids with autism. 

Jen: Yes, I went to Camp Illahee in North Carolina, every summer for 8 years. Some of my absolute favorite childhood memories!

What did you want to be when you grew up? 

Jamie: A public policy attorney. (Seriously.) 

Jen: So many things, but the number one thing I wanted to be was a Mom. 


What is your favorite thing about coming to work?

Jamie: CAMP has found its own community of yogis who are now cycle lovers and circuit fanatics who can’t live without a little yoga in their lives. We are all transporting each other by opening our perspectives to that of everyone around us, and we are all getting better and better because of it. I personally can't imagine a better or more inspiring place to work. 

Jen: Interacting with all our CAMPers and teaching. I love teaching! 

What gets you out of bed at 5AM? 

Jamie: Coffee. 

Jen: Well, I get out of bed around 4 or 4:30am, but I love what I do and getting out of bed isn’t actually that hard. 

Besides the workout you teach, what is your favorite way to get your sweat on? 

Jamie: Hot yoga. There's nothing I love more. I love to teach it, and I freaking love to take it. 

Jen: It used to be Cycle and Circuit, but lately I really enjoy taking yoga classes, especially Root Flow, during my free time.


Why do you make a good partnership? 

Jamie: If I did not have Jen as my business partner, we probably would have never gotten through it. Opening CAMP was super overwhelming at times because the scale of what we built was just so massive. Jen and I found a way to navigate challenges together, so there was never a moment where I didn’t have support.

Jen: Jamie is the yin to my yang.  We have different strengths, but a similar work ethic and a common goal. There honestly couldn’t be a better partnership. 

How do you treat yoself? 

Jamie: I try to find mini treats throughout the day: space for meditation, space for eating a piece of chocolate, space for staying in bed until 8AM and pushing a meeting back. I like balance. 

Jen: A massage or a trip — I LOVE to travel!

What is something Jen doesn’t know about you? 

Jamie: That I take a nap every day. Just kidding, Jen! Truly, she probably knows everything about me. More than I know about myself. 

What is something Jamie doesn’t know about you? 

Jen: I think she knows everything about me — even things I don’t know about myself. Seriously.